Saturday, December 28, 2019
Affordable Care Act 2016 Requirements for Small Business
Affordable Care Act 2016 Requirements for Small geschftlicher umgangAffordable Care Act 2016 Requirements for Small BusinessAffordable Care Act 2016 Requirements for Small Business NelsonAs a small business owner, youre no doubt aware of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), President Obamas sweeping health care legislation, which became law in 2010.Many small businesses havent had to pay particularly close attention to the legislation, as they are generally exempt from Affordable Care Act mandates. But there are a few things you will want to keep in mind about how you will or wont be affected by the ACA in 2016, particularly if your business employs 51-99 people. Is your Company Exempt from ACA Requirements?If you have 50 or fewer employees, you are exempt from ACA requirements to either offer affordable health insurance coverage or pay a per-worker assessment, also known as pay or play. (These began on Jan. 1, 2015 for employers with 100 or more full-time employee s.) While you arent required to provide coverage under the law, you can, of course, choose to purchase coverage through the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) exchange in your state or buy coverage in the private market.However, if your company employs 51-99 workers, you should be aware that the ACAs transitional rules for small and mid-size businesses expire on Jan. 1, 2016. This means your business must provide employees with pay or play provisions, as mentioned above. These are also known as employer shared responsibility. Double-Check ACA CalculationsIts highly advisable that you confirm that your count of full-time employees aligns with that of the ACA. The ACA defines a full-time employee someone who works either- A minimum of 30 hours per week- 130 hours per month- Or a total of 1,560 hours in a yearMoreover, if you own or have a significant stake in multiple small businesses, be aware that roll-up provisions apply. Under the ACA, these businesses are grouped togeth er when calculating the number of employees.Dont Overlook ACA Tax CreditsIf your business employs 25 or fewer full-time employees (particularly low- or moderate-income workers) and youve enrolled in an employer-sponsored health plan through your SHOP marketplace, you may qualify for certain types of subsidized coverage that went into effect in 2014, such as the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit. In order to qualify for this tax credit, employees must earn an average annual wages of $50,000 or less and pay at least 50 percent of their employees premiums. The tax credit ranges from 50% of premiums paid for eligible small employers, and from 25% to 35% of employer premiums paid for tax-exempt eligible small employers.The New Definition of Small GroupIf you have 51-99 employees, as of Jan. 1, 2016, your health insurer considers your company a small group rather than a mid-market group.This expanded definition of small group, which until now was defined as 50 or fewer employees, may seem innocuous, but is very important. It will impact prices, risk ratings, provider networks, and the types of benefits that these companies are accustomed to offering, says Helena Ruffin, president and owner of The Ruffin Group Insurance Services.For ACA plans, small employer group healthcare premiums are based on your companys modified community rating, a rating based on the cost of care in a particular geographic area, which is meant to ensure that people within the same region arent priced differently.Before the ACA was implemented, group ratings could vary widely based upon demographics and medical underwriting, a process by which insurers assessed the groups projected health risk to determine price. Other allowed rating factors for ACA plans include age, tobacco use and family size.Ruffin notes that for ACA plans, age is calculated by employees birth dates (rather than expanded rate increments such as 35-39 years that were used in the past) and is adjusted annually. These cha nges may result in higher insurance costs for many small businesses.In fact, a 2014 report from theCenters for Medicare and Medicaid Servicesreports that65% of small businesses would likely pay more. On the flip side, if you have a young workforce and are based in a region with favorable community rates, the new pricing may actually work in your favor.Ruffin advises that you start looking into your options. If your plan renews in December, make sure your agent is knocking on your door right now. Ask your agent to prepare a benchmark report to compare prices with other carriers in their market, and begin your transition. Say Goodbye to Grandmother PlansRegardless of the number of employees you have, your insurance plans are likely to change come Jan. 1, 2016, due to the end of grandmothering, explains Chuck Kiskaden, president and CEO of Health Benefits Advisors. Grandmothering refers to a transitional policy for certain types of coverage in the small group market.When the ACA was fi rst implemented, companies of all sizes were told that if they liked their plans, they could keep them. But all grandmother plans end with Jan. 1, 2016 and later renewals, and companies will need to transition to an ACA-defined bronze, silver, gold or platinum plan, says Kiskaden.Kiskaden recommends that these companies look into their plan options, since they wont be able to continue on their old plans after Jan. 1, 2016, though groups that renews before January can keep their grandmothered status until they renew in 2016.Employers with 51-99 employees would primarily do this to keep from being forced into small group age rating of premiums and small group metal products, says Kiskaden. He adds that costs are likely to be higher in these new plans, but cant be higher than 3X the lowest-cost plan.Looking for more information? Check out this ACA plan overview to assist with choosinga plan thats right for your small business. Plans that are available in your area, of course, will vary .Will your company be ready for the ACAs 2016 requirements? Its time to closely examine your plan options and start educating employees about any plan changes.
Monday, December 23, 2019
The Value of Thanks-Giving in Your Job Search
The Value of Thanks-Giving in Your Job SearchThe Value of Thanks-Giving in Your Job SearchThe Value of Thanks-Giving in Your Job SearchIts a lesson nearly all parents teach their kids but one thats not always sustained throughout life. As we celebrate Thanksgiving this week, the lesson of giving thanks is certainly one to be reinforced with job seekers, especially the growing ranks of the laid off.Saying thank you is not just professional, its the right thing to do whether youre looking for a new job or directions when youre gelbkreuzgas even if you dont get what you want or need. If youre receiving bad news, such as We decided to hire the other finalist for the job, or Youre not the kind of candidate were looking to hire at this time, you may at least be remembered for saying thank you and being appreciative.Heres where saying thank you can make a difference in the job searchINTERVIEWThe opening thank youThank you for calling me to interview for the position.This is a good way to s tart off the interview, and its best to say it with a smile. First impressions are critical, and this can contribute to the hiring managers opinion of you.The closing thank youI appreciate your taking the time to talk with me about the job and the company.Last impressions are also important, so show the same grace you did when you walked into the room. This is especially helpful if youre being interviewed by a group of people. Dont forget to acknowledge each interviewerby name if possible.POST-INTERVIEWThe follow-up thank you noteThank you for the time and effort you put into our interview, helping me learn more about the position and the organization. I am further convinced that I could contribute to the success of ABC International in this role, and I look forward to hearing from you to discuss the next steps in the process.Most hiring managers are impressed with a candidate who takes the time to write a quick thank you note after the interview. It demonstrates your interpersonal and communications skills, and offers a glimpse at how you might fit in should you be hired.Even if youre not interested in the job, send a thank you note after the interview. You never know when the employer might have a job thats right for you later on and remember you for your courtesy and professionalism.The rejection appreciationIt was kind of you to let me know in such a timely fashion. I would have welcomed the opportunity to work for such a strong company as ABC, and I hope you will consider me for any future openings in which my skills could benefit the business.Sure, the job would have been great and youre a bit bummed you didnt get it. But if you like the idea of working for the company, a post-rejection thank you will underscore your professionalism.NETWORKINGThe golden rule of networking is to give more than you receive. But when you do receive a job lead or a hiring managers contact information, be sure to offer a gracious thank you. Even if a networking contact doesnt have information for you, be just as gracious for their time.Thanks (wink) for reading Happy Thanksgiving
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Financial freedom Run away and work wherever you want
Financial freedom Run away and work wherever you wantFinancial freedom Run away and work wherever you wantEveryone dreams of running away now and again.Some people go full-on digital nomad. They wander the world, untied to a regular place of employment, and make money through some mysterious alchemy - or, you know, they do freelance work.But they make some sacrifices to live full-time this way. Sacrifices like selling their homes and all their belongings back home.And some well-worn advice for embracing this lifestyle is out of immediate reach for a lot of people - like building up a years worth of savings or getting completely out of debt before you take the plunge.Lets say youre not ready to go all-in and travel the world as a lifestyle, but you do want to live in a new place for a while - longer than the meager vacation-day allotment at the average arbeitszimmer job will let you. Say two months.Heres how to do it.Figure out how to work remotelyYeah, we know - easier said than done. But if youre like most people, your employer is not going to just give you two months to peace-out to the Caribbean.You have two choices here quit your job and leverage your skills in a freelance manner, or negotiate a remote-work deal with your employer.It might sound impossible - but people in diverse fields build careers that allow for this kind of freedom. That includes travel nurses, writers, graphic designers, foreign-language teachers, software developers, and entrepreneurs. The details depend on your career.The key is to find the intersection between what youre already good at or have the credentials for, and what you can do online or remotely.Or you can negotiate this with your existing employer.These tipsmostly apply to negotiating a single work-from-home day per week, but could be helpful in negotiating a sabbatical or remote work agreement as well.Do your research and pick a placeNow that youve got your income situation sorted, youll need to research where to go.T his will take a little more deep-digging than planning the ordinary ten-day vacation whatever infrastructure problems and other challenges happen in the country you choose, youll be living with them for a while.Look into daily cost of living - know what youre in for with the daily cost of food, rent, transportation, and other necessities.Be aya you can get your needs metIf youre planning to work remotely, you cant go too far off the grid. Wherever you land, be sure your Internet connection is reliable - or get yourself a wireless router.If youll need GPS to find your way around (guilty I have zero sense of direction), youll need a working smartphone. You can get these on a pay-as-you-go basis in most countries, but your existing carrier may also offer international coverage. Give them a call before you go.And if you need to be on the phone for work, youll need a reliable and affordable international calling setup. Skype is generally great as long as your Internet connection is dep endable.Talk to people whove been to the place you want to go toThis is crucial to getting a real sense of what its like to live in a place for a while.Sites likenomad list,Couchsurfing,Thorn Tree, and Facebook groups for expats will have plenty of experienced travelers. They can give you a heads up on what its like on the ground in your chosen country.Sublet your place back homeYoure not going full-on digital nomad and giving up your home base - but you dont want to pay rent in two places, right?Look into subletting your apartment, or renting out your home if you own. Talk to your landlord in person and make your case for this - its a ton less stress if you have their permission.Whether you rent or own, youll have to vet renters before you choose. Put out a call on Facebook hopefully youll get a trustworthy friend or friend-of-a-friend. Try sites like Craigslist and Sublet. Get everything in writing.Reduce your expenses beforehandBefore you go, look into ways to reduce your expen ses.Your Internet provider may be willing to pause your service while youre gone, so you arent paying full-price for Internet you arent using.You might not be able to make yourself totally debt-free before you go, but if its within your means, see if you can pay off your smaller loans. And if you really want to kick your savings up a notch, look intorefinancing your student loan.That could save you a couple hundred dollars a month for travel - the average we see is around $253 per month. See how much you could save by going toRefi Ready.Thisarticlefirst appeared onComet Financial.
Friday, December 13, 2019
Job Interviewers What They Really Mean
Job Interviewers What They Really MeanJob Interviewers What They Really MeanYouve finally made it through weeks (or months) of job searching, and are now in the middle of a super important job interview. Youre answering all the questions like a champ, even the weird ones employers sometimes ask to stump potential job candidates. But no matter how well your interview might be going, theres always going to be a chance that a hiring manager will say something to you that can be confusing, misleading, or even completely ambiguous. Below are a few tips on how to decode job interviewers and the statements they make.Heres how to decode some of the statements job interviewers commonly useYoure a well-qualified candidate for this position.Hearing this is like music to a job seekers ears. But before you ask to see your new office, think about it if you werent qualified, would you be sitting there in the middle of a job interview? Probably not. This is one of those generic things that most hiri ng managers say at the onset of an interview. You can respond by saying, Thank you and let the interviewer guide you to the next phase of the interview, which is the question and answer session.Were still working out some of the details of the job.This is a tricky, murky statement. While its not exactly a kiss-off, in some cases it can be. For a leading job candidate, it could simply be a heads-up that some of the responsibilities of the position are still being ironed out, or that your potential boss is waiting to get clearance on funding for the position. It might also mean theyre not aya if the position will even be available or not, and they need some time to figure it out. Thats why you should accept what is being said without questioning what those details might be.Ill be in touch with you soon.Argh. Its one of the worst phrases for any ardent job seeker. What, exactly, does soon mean? A day? A week? A month? Never? Take whatever time period a hiring manager gives you to get b ack to you- and then triple it. Hiring processes can drag on indefinitely due to no fault of your own. The best way to cope with it is to keep yourself busy and, realistically, to keep applying for other jobs until you get official word from the person as to whether you got the job or not.Feel free to emaille me with any follow-up questions.When a job candidate is told this, its usually at the end of an interview and is used more as a wrap-up statement than anything else. The job interviewer doesnt really expect you to email him, unless, of course, its something super important. You can (and should) send a thank-you email to your potential employer after your interview, and if the employer doesnt respond after the job interview, you can always follow up with one (and we mean one) email. Just dont take this saying as a green light to email blast your potential boss.Were interviewing other candidates before we make our final decision.Typically, this statement can dash a hopeful job ca ndidates dream of working for a company to pieces. By its nature, this phrase could seem to imply that youre not the candidate for the job, but thats not necessarily the case. Many interviewers say this, and it can be to just let you know that the hiring process (and a decision to be made) might take longer than you expect. After all, you might be one of the very first job seekers to be interviewed out of a list of 20 potential employees. So dont be disappointed if you hear this phrase its just one of those things hiring managers say.If youre looking to improve your job search success, try some of the following tips1. Update your social media channels.Its all fine and dandy to have a Facebook page flooded with vacay and family photos, but you should always think about how you might come across to a potential boss. So set your personal social media accounts to private and open up new, professional ones that reflect your career goals and interests.2. Dont stop searching.You found the position of your dreams, and youre in the middle of the job interviewing process. That doesnt mean that you should stop job searching, though. Putting all of your proverbial job hunting eggs in one basket can hold you back should the position you really want fall through. So until you get offered a job- and you accept it- you should always continue your search and continue applying for positions.If you are searching for a flexible job, we invite you to browse over 50 flexible job categories.3. Know what youre worth.Its always a deflating feeling when you finally get offered the job you want- and then come to find out the pay is paltry. Keep in mind that you can (and should) negotiate your salary. One way to start is by knowing what youre worth. Salary calculators can help you determine what you should be getting paid based on what the going rate is for schrift of job. This can help give you the confidence to ask for what you deserve.Readers, are you familiar with any of these common statements from job interviewers? How did you respond? Let us know in the comments below
Sunday, December 8, 2019
The Ultimate Approach for Mba Resume
The Ultimate Approach for Mba Resume The Importance of Mba Resume For instance, if youre planning to go for an advertising program, mention projects or skills applicable to marketing. Another benefit of our website is the quickness. Creating an employer-centered objective is extremely important because of the simple fact which you dont need to sound as if youre utilizing the organization inconsiderately to advance your own career. While selecting resume templates decide on the one which fits the project expertise in place of the work profile. What Has to be Done About Mba Resume Before It Is Too Late Show a comprehension of the business and why you would like to work for them. Youre able to seize that opportunity if you begin your own company or transfer to a more lucrative position in another business. Youre able to find information on the subject of the master of business administration job to permit you properly produce the career objective portion of the resume from the work description and requirements posted by the recruiter. You develop into a recipient of all appropriate information in the industry atmosphere. An MBA Skills Based CV is a helpful tool that will help you do that. Most of all, Coaches are almost always readily available for individual counseling. In the event that you were previously unemployed, then its always far better to get started to your educational qualifications, preferably from your latest level. Your abilities and experiences wont only make your resume look sharp, but it is also going to help you to get the degree you need to join. In 7 minutes, you are going to learn all you have to know to compose an equally great MBA resume yourself. Youre addressing the MBA Evaluation Criteria that could differ from job criteria, especially in the event that you get a technical resume. Some applicants are applying from businesses and positions that admissions committees may be quite acquainted with (for instance, McKinsey or BCG). MBA courses in the majority of the reputed MBA institutions call for applicants who want to join a course that suits their requirements and requirements based on the abilities and expertise of the applicants. The curriculum isnt straightforward. MBA admissions programs are going to want to find that youre conscious of the manner that various small business models operate. Your grad school resume is among the important things in your grad school application approach. Following that, you can imagine writing a resume that includes all of your interests and skills that are expected to pursue the training course. Second, resumes for MBA applications have to be written through an entirely different lens. If you would like to be a teacher, youre write a CV, and should you need work professionally, you will write a resume. Mba Resume Secrets That No One Else Knows About You might also have a peek at some useful resume keywords to further increase your resume. You can also c heck at any of the samples of various sorts of resumes for various kinds of careers. Below are some examples. Dont compose a work description. Job aspirants must be aware of a resume template in lieu of a curriculum vitae template. Recruiters conduct workshops that are focused on a number of topics that range from interviewing methods to case interview procedures. The exams are extremely difficult and you must study in order to pass or obtain your desired effects. An executive summary is a brief document that summarises your achievements in a couple of concise points. As soon as youve landed your very first post-MBA job, its time to consider your career summary. An official interview never fully provides the interviewer an opportunity to rate your personality. Leadership positions within a business school can vary from being just an official title which you put on your resume to a commitment of many hours of work each week. If you seek a greater income, perchance a new po sition with a different organization or a new industry can accomplish that. Therefore, its beneficial in the event that you can mention any social media project that you could have taken up during college or on the job. Secure an accountable career opportunity to totally utilize my training and techniques, while making a substantial contribution to the success of the business. You should find out strategies to adapt your experience to the demands of the new job and set it in such a manner your strengths are displayed on top. Since you can see drafting career objectives isnt exactly rocket science, however youd be surprised by how many individuals get them wrong. Some career objectives may also concentrate on specific projects pertinent to the job. Another potential career objective might center on achieving a certain kind of change within the public sector, like reducing corruption or addressing the requirements of an underrepresented group.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
The Recently Leaked Secrets to Creative Resume Writing Services for Sales Professionals Disclosed
The Recently Leaked Secrets to Creative Resume Writing Services for Sales Professionals Disclosed The 5-Minute Rule for Creative Resume Writing Services for Sales Professionals Many people are selecting a management position for the greater job stability (fewer managers lose their jobs in comparison to reps). Our experts know what hiring managers are searching for in resumes, what you ought to emphasize, and the way to eliminate any problems that could tischset you from the race. The exact same skill will be crucial for the writing of excellent resumes. Your resume must be targeted particularly for the job. The Ultimate Approach for Creative Resume Writing Services for Sales Professionals Professional resume maker formats from us will make sure that you are in possession of a personalized resume for your work in India. CV Writing Services UK have seen an enormous increase in demand over the past couple of decades. Credentials like the Certified Professional Resume Writer (CP RW) may also indicate that a website is legit. Our Professional Resume Writers know precisely the form of information employers are seeking in potential candidates to fill sale roles inside their organization. The 30-Second Trick for Creative Resume Writing Services for Sales Professionals The very best writing businesses wont just utilize questionnaires to produce the resume. To begin with, you should choose which type you would like to write. Its hard for a writing tafelgeschirr to guarantee you a job as there are many variables that will impact the last selection. To guarantee the optimum outcome, there are a couple suggestions to follow to establish the best resume writing service. Your resume writer will get in touch with you to clarify details. If youre wondering where to begin, look at these tips for some ideas. Finding an expert professional resume service is just one of the best tactics to create a successful and professional resume so you can land that interview , and most of us know, as soon as you have that interview, youre in. For the reason alone, its extremely important to pick a professional resume service that has experience writing resumes in your individual industry. With each position comes the undertaking of producing a professional resume. Searching for a new job is a remarkable time to make other key improvements in your life. Career objective section in resume will incorporate the facts of your future accomplishments that you want to accomplish working on the specific position in the organization. Creating the right resume is crucial, and we will be able to help you stick out from and over the crowd. The Importance of Creative Resume Writing Services for Sales Professionals If professional would like to make sure the high quality and services offered by Resumesplanet. Developing a terrific customer service advisor resume is simple when you use our customer service advisor resume example for a guide. Our services are precisely what you require for. Youre a personal services business. What About Creative Resume Writing Services for Sales Professionals? To acquire a professional resume made, youll need to devote a significant sum of money. If youre a sales representative, youll need a sales representative resume to illustrate your abilities. A sales resume must list all tangible achievements along with success stories as a way to show that youre the ideal person for the position. When creating a pharmaceutical sales resume, it is quite imperative that you list all your previous employment that illustrates your very best sales experience.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Would You Resort to a Gimmick to Land a Job
Would You Resort to a Gimmick to Land a JobWould You Resort to a Gimmick to Land a Job?Would You Resort to a Gimmick to Land a JobPeople can sometimes resort to extreme gimmicks when theyre looking for work. The current recession has pushed some jobless Americans to do something a little over the top in their attempts to land new jobs.But are they signs of desperation or creativity? You decideA 53-year-old registered nurse in Florida printed a t-shirt with her web site address and contact information and wore it while riding her bike around the neighborhood.A new MBA graduate became a cab driver in New York after four months of unsuccessful job hunting. He attached his resume to the back of his cabs front seat, hoping riders would notice and help him out.Then theres the story of Joshua Persky, an MIT graduate who stood on a busy New York City street wearing a sandwich board plastered with Experienced MIT stufe for Hire while handing his resume to anyone whod take it. It paid off when an accounting firm hired him.And some of us have heard about the job-seeker who attached a shoe to his resume as a way to get my foot in the door.Of course, success in any of these gimmicks is measured by whether they get you hired or, barring that, how many interviews you land. And that can depend on whether an employer sees your gimmick as creative or desperate. It may work well for jobs in professions that thrive on creativity, such as advertising or marketing, but maybe not so in other fields.Standing out makes a difference. But its better to stand out through your qualifications, as expressed in your resume and cover letter, as well as in the interview process, to land the job. Going beyond that may help but only if the audience buys your act.What do you think of the over the top methods some job seekers use? Have you been tempted to try something similar? Tell us about it.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Strategies to Get Organized Find Your Dream Job
Strategies to Get Organized Find Your Dream JobStrategies to Get Organized - Find Your Dream JobWhen youre trying to find a new job, keeping track of all your promising openings, applications, interviews, and networking events can be overwhelming. However, there are easy steps you can take to organize and stay on top of your job search. Strategies for Staying Organized 1. Create a Spreadsheet Creating a spreadsheet is a helpful way to contain and keep track of a variety of information related to your job search. In your spreadsheet, include key columns such as Company nameThe name of the organization to which you are applyingContact nameThe name of the contact at the company (typically, the person to whom you will submit your job application)Contact informationThe email address and/or phone number of the contactDate of applicationThe date when you submitted your applicationApplication summaryThe items you submitted in your application, such as a resume, cover letter, recommenda tions, and/or portfolioInterviewThe date of your interviewFollow-upWhether or not you sent a thank you notenzeichen after the interview and when StatusWhether or not your application was rejected, you received a second interview, or you were offered the job If youd like, add other columns such as the application deadline, the names of any personal connections at the company, and any other important company information. You can create your spreadsheet by using Excel or Google Sheets, creating a chart in a Word document, or using a spreadsheet app on your phone. Or, use pencil and paper to create a hand-written spreadsheet as well. 2. Use a Job Search Management Site A number of sites offer tools for managing your job search. If you decide to use one of these sites, look for one that is free or reasonably priced. For example, JibberJobber is a free site that helps you track what jobs you have applied for and the status of each application. You can also keep track of networking contact s to remember how they have helped you. Sites like JibberJobber allow you to bring all your job search activities onto one portal, minimizing the time you spend going back and forth between websites. Similarly, if you a have a job search website that you tend to use a lot, see if it has a job search management tool. Many sites, including LinkedIn, Monster, and CareerBuilder, help keep track of the applications to which you apply on their sites. If you use a number of different job sites equally, you will have to keep track of your information on each separate site, which might end up being mora of a hassle than its worth. 3. Use Your Phone If you use your smartphone more than a computer, you might consider using a job search management app. Apps such as Job Search Organizer and HiJob will help organize various aspects of your search process. Many of these apps are free. You can also keep track of your job applications using your notes or a spreadsheet app. Use your calendar, alerts, and alarms to keep track of deadlines, interviews, and other important dates. Tips for Staying Organized No matter what strategy you choose for keeping track of your job search, stay organized throughout the job process. First of all, simplify your job search. Apply only to jobs you are interested in and are qualified for. This will limit the number of applications you have to track and enable you to focus on job openings that really matter. The point of organizing your job search is to help reduce stress during the job search process. Therefore, dont let the process of organization stress you out. If you download too many organizational apps or use too many job search management sites, you can wind up with even more work to do. Identify your key needs- such as finding new job possibilities and managing your applications- and find a tool or strategy that helps you with those most important needs.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Powerful Women Have Powerful Ideas About Flexible Work
Powerful Women Have Powerful Ideas About Flexible WorkPowerful Women Have Powerful Ideas About Flexible WorkIf you want to feel inspired, check out Fortunes latest Most Powerful Womenranking.There youll see 51 women- including 22 CEOs of major U.S. companies- who in total represent a market capitalization of $1.1 trillion.But its easy to forget as you peruse this illustrious list that to get where they are today, these women had to navigate a working world that isnt always flexibility friendly. Lets take a look at what the top three of these female powerhouses have said about how workplace flexibility has influenced their career and leadership decisions.One of my early pivotal assignments was when I was the assistant to our chairman and vice chairman. I was learning a lot and being exposed to new areas of the geschftliches miteinander. During this time, I had a young child at home and was pregnant with my daughter. It was a challenge, but if I had decided not to take the job because I was starting a family, I would have missed that invaluable opportunity. I was fortunate to have two senior officers who held me accountable and ensured that I was contributing to the business yet provided the support and flexibility I needed to be a good parent and business partner.Mary Barra, CEO and Chairman, General Motors- Fortune Most Powerful Women ranking 1- quoted in the Wall Street JournalIndra Nooyi said PepsiCo is looking at building a daycare center on the company campus that would provide benefits such as care for sick babies and technology to allow parents to see what their kids are doing during the workday. Employees would need to pay for the service, she said, noting that she thinks the government should offer bigger tax breaks to companies that provide day care. I think we ought to lobby Washington like hell, she said.Indra Nooyi, CEO and Chairman, PepsiCo- Fortune Most Powerful Women ranking 2- quoted in the New York TimesMad Men-style sexism may be behind us, bu t subtler and even subconscious forms of bias still disadvantage women. Some managers, for example, may assume that female employees with children wouldnt want to take on a high demanding assignment- and, consequently, never put their names forward when such opportunities arise. Yet, the Women in the Workplace study found that mothers were 15 percent more interested in rising to the C-suite than women without children were. Leaders should invest in diversity training programs for employees at every level. In my experience, once managers are made aware of hidden biases, most are eager to address them.Marilyn Hewson, CEO, Chairman, and President, Lockheed Martin- FortuneMost Powerful Womenranking 3- quoted on LinkedInWhile one might assume that CEOs and other top female executives dont have to worry about workplace flexibility since they can call their own shots, the words of this impressive trio remind us that no one started out at the top. And lucky for the rest of us, when it comes to setting flexible work policies, some of our best leaders never forget where they started.And thats a powerful message to remember.Readers, what do you think about these powerful ideas about flexible work from powerful women? Tell us in the comments belowPhotos of Mary Barra courtesy of General Motors, photo of Indra Nooyi courtesy of PepsiCo, and photo of Marilyn Hewson courtesy of Lockheed Martin.
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